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Financial Planning For People In Their
Peak Earning Years Through Retirement

Sustainable Investing for Everyone,
Because There Is No Planet B

Our Specialties

I am interested in
guidance around retirement to preserve and savor

For individuals and couples
nearing or in retirement looking to navigate through retirement with confidence.
We can help.

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Retirement Planning

I am interested in

optimizing my recent
inheritance to meet

For heirs who have received an inheritance from a loved one.

This can be an emotional
and stressful transition.
We can help.

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I am interested in

maximizing the amount
of money I can leave

For wealthy individuals and families who wish to leave money to their family or
charity tax-efficiently.
We can help.

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Estate Planning

Values-Aligned Investing

I am interested in screening out companies with objectionable business practices
and aligning my investments with MY VALUES.

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Pebble Beach

Why Fee-Only & Fiduciary?


Not all registered investment advisors are created equally.

Unlike some other RIAs, Your Best Path FP was founded as a Fee-Only Fiduciary wealth management firm because we believe that is the only way to provide our clients with fair, unbiased recommendations.

Why is working with a Fiduciary important?

There are two standards that advisors are held to:

(1) the suitability standard or (2) the fiduciary standard.

Legally, all registered financial professionals are held to the suitability standard which requires them to ensure their recommendations are suitable for their clients, but not necessarily the best for their clients.

Financial advisors that hold themselves to the fiduciary standard ensure that their recommendations are the best possible recommendation for their clients, even if this is not in the advisor's own best interest.

As fiduciaries, we hold ourselves to the higher standard and promise to always put our clients first.

What does Fee-Only mean?

"Fee-Only" means that we do not sell insurance or annuities, we do not charge commissions or mark-ups on trades, we do not receive any compensation for recommending a specific security product, and we do not accept kickbacks from mutual funds or receive any other inequitable compensation. We continuously monitor and analyze any potential conflicts of interest and are as transparent as possible.

At Your Best Path, our only source of revenue are the straightforward fees our clients pay us;

therefore, our only interest is your best interest.

As Featured In

Our Services

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Financial Planning


Investment Management

Image by Olga DeLawrence

Tax Return Preparation

Business Meeting

Wealth Management

Schedule a free Consultation

Meet with a financial planner 1-on-1 for a complimentary, obligation-free consultation.
We will review your financial situation, answer any questions you may have, and explain our firm's offerings.

Copyright © 2025 by Silverstone Financial LLC. All rights reserved.

Silverstone Financial LLC is a registered investment adviser headquartered in Maryland. | Disclosures

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